
A beautiful smile is an important feature in life. Orthodontics with fixed braces and removable aligners can make a huge difference to self-esteem and confidence.

Joe uses Labial (outside) braces, Ceramic (clear braces), Lingual (inside) braces and Aligners (removable) braces.

Early assessment and interceptive measures to the developing dentition in 7-9 year olds can lead to avoidance of long and complex orthodontic treatment later. We advise all children to have an assessment of their bite and adult tooth development soon after the eruption of the adult incisors (around 7 years old) in order to assess if there are any developing jaw or dental issues.

The sorts of issues that need to be assessed early in children are: problems due to thumb sucking, cross-bites, crowding, missing teeth and ectopic (poorly positioned) teeth, as well teeth that stick out that can be damaged in a fall or sports injury or cause teasing and bullying at school.

In adults the issues of crowding causing poor dental aesthetics, tooth wear, gaps due to missing or lost teeth or bite issues can often be easily managed with short orthodontic treatments, often no more than 3-6 months. In addition, many cosmetic dentistry treatments can be enhanced by small tooth movements that allow better crowns, bridges or implants being placed.

It is never too late to ask the question: Can orthodontics give me a better smile?